The one character I have played thus far, Rhodey Elder! My amnesiac Yupyaen Fighter who’s traveling Einquell trying to find himself. (Literally!) https://ddb.ac/characters/48402937/sGPb9u
Rhodey (as I’ve already said) is an amnesiac, so he doesn’t know who he is or where he came from. He was found by a woodsman at the entrance to a cave of some sort, near a large Elder tree, bloody (inky?) and covered in cuts and bruises. The woodsman, Na-me Less, brought him home and helped him recover from whatever had happened and even tried to help him find answers at first. The man gave him a safe place to stay, and tools to use and keep while searching for his lost memories/identity.
Rhodey can’t remember anything, but he WANTS to know. Not just what happened to him, but who he is and where he came from. The most he has are feelings and vague words that stick on the tip of his tongue and never properly form. So after he finished recovering, he left to find out those things.
And so far, he hasn’t had much success.
Some things that he has found out (thanks in part to the adventures he’s had so far) are that he’s a damn good shot with a bow and thrown weapons, Rule of Funny has it out for him, and that talking about his situation to people he meets can be more helpful than he’d first realized.
Also, he’s learned that the fact that he’s a color-changing toon can be quite useful. He may only change between shades/saturation of green, but being green in a forest is great camouflage.