Another of my yet-to-be-played toons, Presley Tinker!

This is Presley, a young inventor from a family of inventors, he’s very proud of his skills and wants the hard work he’s put out into the world to be appreciated. He’s not arrogant, but he gets frustrated by the people around him at times. He can also be a bit short and grumpy when talking to others, but he’s been making more of an effort recently to curb those habits.
He’s been very quiet/reserved ever since a close friend of his from his hometown went missing. He doesn’t talk much about it (or them) unless someone pushes at him about it.
Presley never allows anyone inside his private lab/workshop unless they let him know beforehand. He used to be laxer about it, but that policy changed abruptly one day and he’s never explained how/why. Although considering all the unpredictable chemicals and machinery he has laying around, it’s not that surprising.
He’s been traveling around as of late, but he doesn’t really explain why he’s been doing so.