I Need To Vent

Hey everybody. I know it’s been a while and you were probably hoping for something fun or cheerful, but I’m here because I need to vent about my day.

Things started out alright, I got up early and was able to make a tasty breakfast. I hung out in my work corner, playing a game a bit, watching some fun Youtube videos while I waited until it was time for me to get out the door.

I even had time to make lunch for myself! Thanks to being up early, I had a nice and lazy start to my day. So everything seemed to be going well, and I was ready for my long shift at work as I left the house.

Then, as I got to town, I was pulled over by a cop.

The officer said it was a courtesy stop because he thought one of the car’s headlights was out (not only was it not, it was the headlight on the opposite side that was having problems/dimmer than it should have been).

And after I handed him my license, I found out it had expired. It had expired on my birthday and I completely forgot to renew it.

I had been driving for weeks on an expired license and I had never realized it.

He let me off with a warning (not a ticket, thank god) and I went on my way to work. Once I got to work (I was early, just as I always try to be) I called home and talked out a game plan with my dad. It’s gonna take me a few days before I would be able to head to the DMV (because I don’t trust the mail system at the moment) so my retired dad agreed to take over driving for me until then.

And when I got in, my boss took me aside to tell me that our store location was going to close down.

The person they’re leasing from tried to talk them into paying more for the space (possibly because of the new buildings and stores being built nearby) and when they said no, they decided to not let the chain renew the lease. This means that, at the end of the month, the store I’m working at will close.

My boss says he’s going to try and get me transferred to another store (maybe even one closer to home since my drive is pretty long at the moment) so that he won’t have to let me go, but it’s still really stressful.

Because if he can’t manage it, I will be unemployed. Again.

So I’m gonna be digging out my resume and trying to clean it up, just in case.

And all of this happens to have happened on the first day of this month’s period, so that’s… Fun… All I can do is hang on and hope that things will be okay.

I feel a bit better now though. Probably because I’ve finally had the chance to get this all off my chest. Wish me luck folks.

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