Mermay Day 26

 The boys meet a much nicer merperson, who introduces herself as  “Merro”. She lives in the Kelp Forest they’ve found themselves in.

She  claims to know a lot of unusual things about ths sea and it’s  residents. And she’s happy to let them into her home to share what she  knows.

Could they have found the person who knows what’s happened to Dib?


Just  in case anyone wanted to know, I picked an interesting fish for the  mermaid here. One that I’m actually willing to openly tell everyone!

Merro is a Blacksmith Fish. A common fish to find in Kelp Forests.

Mermay Day 25

 “My, my, the two of you must have been quite clever quick to get  through there in one piece. The sharks are fierce hunters and few can  escape them with just scratches.”

“Uh, thanks… Wait a sec… Who are you?”

Mermay Day 20

“I swear, Zim, I saw something in here.”

“Don’t be stupid,  hooman! You can barley see without my Zoot-lights down here! Come back  here before you get your stupid self stuck or something.”

“Just… Just gimme second to look Zim. I wanna be sure…”

Mermay Day 18

 Being close to the beach didn’t give a lot of answers, that just meant they had to go into… DEEPER waters.


This is one picture I DEFINITELY wanted to have SOME kind of grey scale for, just to give the image more impact.