Mermay Day 9

 Dib explaining some of the thing he learned/figured out while at the beach.

He  has gills on his ribs and there’s no issues from the when he’s  breathing air. But they do feeling kinda sensitive when he lays on them.  He’s glad that he was wearing shirt while on the beach, because wasn’t  sure he wanted to know what it would be like to get sand in them.

And  he can’t just dive straight underwater without a problem. He has to  breathe out before going under or out of the water. He isn’t quite sure  how to describe what happens when he doesn’t other than gagging on  whatever is in his system at the time.

(Basically, if he doesn’t  force out whatever is in his lungs at the time, he body gets confused on  what he’s supposed to be breathing at the time. It’s kind of like when  you get water up your nose.)

Mermay Day 8

 (I realized I fell out of posting here, so I’m going to send up a bunch to make up for it.)

“Oh, quit pouting, Dib. Dad said this wouldn’t be permanent. It’s just until he can set up a ‘proper’ tank for you.”

“That doesn’t mean I have to like it, Gaz.”

Gaz  keeping her grumpy, half-fish brother company while their dad sets up a  (hopefully)  more comfortable tank for him. He won’t admit it, but  Dib’s glad that he isn’t being left to his lonesome right now.

Although, Gaz is probably going to have a sore butt later from sitting on the floor for so long.