My phone has an Emergency Weather app on it and every time it gives me a “WARNING FLASH FOOD DANGER” alert (complete with siren), all I can think is “Boy, am I glad I live on the side of a mountain, and not in the river valley nearby.”
Category: Personal Updates
Personal Updates
Holiday Shopping
Since the Holidays are coming up, I want to remind people that I have stuff to sell!!
First is the shop created by my dad, who then handed it over to me.
My own horde of products that I’ve made over on Zazzle.
And my Redbubble shop! Which has fun stickers and such!
Fire Update: Our House is Okay
Alright, time to give an update about what’s been going on since my last personal update. Just so yall know that things are alright now.
So, basically, my dad almost set fire to our house on Tuesday (by accident, obviously) because he got mad about the amount of woodsmoke in our house.
You see, we own a woodstove at my house and usually use it to save on heating bills and in case we lose power. It’s in our living room, the largest room in our house and it’s openly connected to the rest of our ground floor. We’ve taken good care of it, so it’s lasted us a good 20 years (when most only last about 10 before they need to be fixed/replaced).
But yesterday, we were having trouble with smoke blowing back into the house instead of going out the chimney. So we decided to try and wait for the wood to go out and call the local chimney company to take a look at it. (Turns out we had a creosote build-up in there.)
Problem was, the fire just wasn’t going out, no matter how much we cut the airflow.
Finally, my dad got pissed at how much smoke was getting into the house and divided to throw the still-slightly-burning logs outside before they could set off the fire alarms and deafen us all. As a dude from Arizona, where usually the only thing outside was dirt/sand, that made perfect sense.
Here’s the thing though we live in New England and it is currently spring. Most of the snow outside has melted, despite it still being arse-freezing cold out. It’s a period of time where fire danger is actually really high.
Why? Because the ground is currently covered with dead, dry leaves from last fall. Dry leaves catch easily, making them great for kindling. And our lawn was covered in them. Like a wall-to-wall carpet.
It’s not hard to figure out what happened next.
The glowing hot logs catch the lawn on fire (much too close to the house btw) and my parents freak out and race around to grab water to put the flames out. They don’t explain it to me, so I had no idea what all the running around I heard above me is about. (My personal work area is tucked away in our basement.)
I know nothing until my dad jogs down the steps to grab something and I hear my dad scrambling around muttering frantically about fire and my first thought is “Oh God, Dad set the living room on fire.”
I leap to my feet, grab the fire extinguisher we keep down with me (in case of an electrical fire), and chase after him. Which is when I find out the fire is OUTSIDE the house and not, like, in our carpets or books or something.
I start blasting the extinguisher (which turns out to be way more effective than the water btw) and go through two of them before the glow/burn is fully out. And I just kept going until there was nothing left in that thing.
(Those flames were starting to get under our deck. Which is made of wood and attached to the actual house. So I was especially focused on that.)
Dad raked up all the leaves left away from the house and sprayed the grass down to make sure it was too wet to catch again.
After that, Dad finally calls the local guys to come out now instead of the guys he’d called before all that who hadn’t called him back yet.
The Chimney problem was fixed yesterday, and the guy who came out cleaned it out really thoroughly.
He also advised Dad that we needed to get a new woodstove ASAP. It’ll last us through the season but according to the Chimney Sweep, if we don’t replace it before next winter, it’ll probably fail on us and risk a serious fire.
So now we’re looking for a new one which is gonna be a financial gut punch, but better than the monthly bill we’d get for heating oil.
So we’re okay, the house is safe, but all of that was very stressful at the moment.
SO. Guess who just had an Un-Controlled Fire at their house??
Trick question. It was me.
No idea what the fuck was going on, just that we’d been having problems with our woodstove (smoke coming into the house instead of going out the chimney), then suddenly my parents were racing around saying that there was a fire.
So I grabbed the Fire Extinguisher that we keep in the basement and raced after my dad to help. While still in my Laze At Home clothes and while only wearing slippers.
The fire was outside the house (which, yikes!! How did that happen?!) and we used up 2 extinguishers, sprayed dry leaves on the lawn with water, and dumped buckets of the stuff on the ground until there was nothing glowing anymore. Successfully put the thing out and kept it from actually getting to the house.
Do I know what happened? No. I have no idea how any of those things correlate.
I will probably give an update once I do know, so keep your eyes peeled I guess.
Fantasy Meets Scifi
You know, I would really love to see more stories where Fantasy and Sci-Fi could meet.
I mean, it’s possible in a lot of superhero series/universes (like Marvel and DC), but I never really see any stories where the two meeting and coming together actually gets explored.
At most, they just go, “Oh yeah, THIS dude is a master at robotics and doesn’t believe in magic and THIS guy is a Wizard. And they have to work together for this ONE thing and then they never see or hang out with each other ever again.”
Like, that’s it? Do they get into arguments about magic? Do they explain their worlds to each other? Do they decide they actually like hanging out and working out times to just vibe together?? GIVE ME MORE.
I wanna see more stories with the two actually meeting and being around each other!
The Android detective finds out their human co-worker is actually a wizard and now they keep seeing more and more magic in the world. (And maybe the Android learns magic isn’t as No-Tech/Science as everyone seems to think?)
A Witch learns her neighbor is actually an Alien (or her car or something) and she gets to go on adventures with her Alien buddy and they teach each other about their worlds/powers as they go.
Stuff like that!
I want to see how the two can be together with still being two different things. How they can co-exist and make each other better as they go.
I really wish that kind of thing was explored more…
A Story In Progress
Doing some experimenting, but here are the main characters of the comic that I’ve been working on. The title of the comic is still in progress but, for now, I’ve been calling it “Paranatual Case Files”.
Neil Setter, a magical, not-as-human-as-he-looks person who’s stumbled into something far bigger than he’d ever imagined, and Jean Sycamore, a Secret Agent with Psychic powers who’s just doing his job and is blissfully unaware of how big his world actually is.

I was originally going to theme the colors of Neil’s clothes after the Asexual Flag, but it was only after I finished coloring him that I realized his clothes matched the Aromantic flag instead. Whoops! So I’ll probably go back at some point and either turn his vest purple (to finally let him match the Ase flag) or change his pants blue and leave the flag theming behind entirely.
I was also trying to do one of those see-through windows artists sometimes do to a character’s clothing to show something that the character tries to keep hidden, so I could show off Neil’s back. (Which is covered in birch tree bark.) Not sure how good it looks, or how well I pulled it off, but that’s what I was trying to do.
Jean came out perfect, though the scar by the part in his hair gave me some trouble when I did it.
I Need To Vent
Hey everybody. I know it’s been a while and you were probably hoping for something fun or cheerful, but I’m here because I need to vent about my day.
Things started out alright, I got up early and was able to make a tasty breakfast. I hung out in my work corner, playing a game a bit, watching some fun Youtube videos while I waited until it was time for me to get out the door.
I even had time to make lunch for myself! Thanks to being up early, I had a nice and lazy start to my day. So everything seemed to be going well, and I was ready for my long shift at work as I left the house.
Then, as I got to town, I was pulled over by a cop.
The officer said it was a courtesy stop because he thought one of the car’s headlights was out (not only was it not, it was the headlight on the opposite side that was having problems/dimmer than it should have been).
And after I handed him my license, I found out it had expired. It had expired on my birthday and I completely forgot to renew it.
I had been driving for weeks on an expired license and I had never realized it.
He let me off with a warning (not a ticket, thank god) and I went on my way to work. Once I got to work (I was early, just as I always try to be) I called home and talked out a game plan with my dad. It’s gonna take me a few days before I would be able to head to the DMV (because I don’t trust the mail system at the moment) so my retired dad agreed to take over driving for me until then.
And when I got in, my boss took me aside to tell me that our store location was going to close down.
The person they’re leasing from tried to talk them into paying more for the space (possibly because of the new buildings and stores being built nearby) and when they said no, they decided to not let the chain renew the lease. This means that, at the end of the month, the store I’m working at will close.
My boss says he’s going to try and get me transferred to another store (maybe even one closer to home since my drive is pretty long at the moment) so that he won’t have to let me go, but it’s still really stressful.
Because if he can’t manage it, I will be unemployed. Again.
So I’m gonna be digging out my resume and trying to clean it up, just in case.
And all of this happens to have happened on the first day of this month’s period, so that’s… Fun… All I can do is hang on and hope that things will be okay.
I feel a bit better now though. Probably because I’ve finally had the chance to get this all off my chest. Wish me luck folks.
New Version of an Old Drawing
I’ve recently redone an old picture of mine and I’m feeling really proud of it, so I’m going to share it with yall!

I used watercolors (some with pretty sparkles mixed in) for the majority of the colors, a tiny dot of shiny silver paint for the eyeshine, and black India Ink for the linework. I’ve very proud of it since I don’t use watercolor pallets very often (I normally use watercolor pencils/crayons).
I’m so proud of it, I made the image available as a product design over on Redbubble! Check it out if you’re interested! And please buy anything you like. XD
Also, I’ve only just noticed that I wrote 2022 instead of 2021. asdfghjkl
Whoops XD