And I feel like sharing the lastest game I’ve played. It’s very short.
Category: Rosies DnD
The DnD played by me and my friends!
Newest Toonkind Character
I now have an official Toonkind character in the Drafthouse server! Meet Kirian Blackwelle, everyone!

Kirian is a wandering Sorcerer (at the moment) casually exploring Einquell for the first time. He’s never left home before (or at least gone very far from it), so after an… Interesting chain of events in his life, he’s decided to see what exactly is out there.
And, because my artsy self is a bit extra, I also made a full turnaround character sheet for him too.

Rambling Rose Productions #003
And the last game I have recorded (for now) is this one! This is part 1 of what was supposed to be a one-shot campaign that ran a little long.
We would have recorded part 2, but at the time we’d had several weeks of bad weather and personal problems (and we’d also been under quarantine at the time) so we were all feeling way too Brain Tired to play right then.
The other problem had been that I’d written my notes for the campaign in a way that wasn’t very… Good for reading after a certain point. So I’ve been working on cleaning those up and making them clearer so we can finally finish this one and hopefully move on to more campaigns.
(Or stop playing altogether. I know at least 2 of us are having fun but with all the scheduling issues, memory loss for how to make the discord bot work, and other things that have cropped up, it may be easier to just let it end for now… I can ask my players if they want to keep going, as I’d love to keep playing, but if it’s too stressful/not fun I’m not going to force them to keep playing.)
Toonkind DnD Character #003.2
I know, I’ve posted about Rhodey before but this is a little different.
See, I designed Rhodey before getting my hands on Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything and learning that Psychic Powers are a thing in Dungeons and Dragons.
And Rhodey is my Boi. My green bean. My beloved brainchild. So of course my brain immediately screamed “Give him the powers. GIVE HIM THE POWERS!” But I couldn’t do that when I already had him in a campaign!
So I basically… made a second version of him that I could give the psychic powers to! I also changed the design between the two so I can tell them apart easier.

I didn’t overhaul his design really, just changed up his hair and clothes a bit. But overall, he’s still the same Rhodey as before! (Although, I did swap around a few stats even if I kept all the numbers the same.)
Rambling Rose Productions #002
The second game I DM’d. No much went on in this session. Just a casual conversation between Cordelia (a friend’s character) and my own character Rhodey.
Toonind DnD Character #004
Another of my yet-to-be-played toons, Presley Tinker!

This is Presley, a young inventor from a family of inventors, he’s very proud of his skills and wants the hard work he’s put out into the world to be appreciated. He’s not arrogant, but he gets frustrated by the people around him at times. He can also be a bit short and grumpy when talking to others, but he’s been making more of an effort recently to curb those habits.
He’s been very quiet/reserved ever since a close friend of his from his hometown went missing. He doesn’t talk much about it (or them) unless someone pushes at him about it.
Presley never allows anyone inside his private lab/workshop unless they let him know beforehand. He used to be laxer about it, but that policy changed abruptly one day and he’s never explained how/why. Although considering all the unpredictable chemicals and machinery he has laying around, it’s not that surprising.
He’s been traveling around as of late, but he doesn’t really explain why he’s been doing so.
Rambling Rose Productions #001
The first recording of a Toonkind D&D session that I was the dungeon master of.
I’m still really proud of this, which is why I’m taking the time to post it here.
Toonkind DnD Characters #03

The one character I have played thus far, Rhodey Elder! My amnesiac Yupyaen Fighter who’s traveling Einquell trying to find himself. (Literally!)
Rhodey (as I’ve already said) is an amnesiac, so he doesn’t know who he is or where he came from. He was found by a woodsman at the entrance to a cave of some sort, near a large Elder tree, bloody (inky?) and covered in cuts and bruises. The woodsman, Na-me Less, brought him home and helped him recover from whatever had happened and even tried to help him find answers at first. The man gave him a safe place to stay, and tools to use and keep while searching for his lost memories/identity.
Rhodey can’t remember anything, but he WANTS to know. Not just what happened to him, but who he is and where he came from. The most he has are feelings and vague words that stick on the tip of his tongue and never properly form. So after he finished recovering, he left to find out those things.
And so far, he hasn’t had much success.
Some things that he has found out (thanks in part to the adventures he’s had so far) are that he’s a damn good shot with a bow and thrown weapons, Rule of Funny has it out for him, and that talking about his situation to people he meets can be more helpful than he’d first realized.
Also, he’s learned that the fact that he’s a color-changing toon can be quite useful. He may only change between shades/saturation of green, but being green in a forest is great camouflage.
Toonkind DnD Characters #02
Next is another of my toons whom I haven’t had the chance to play yet, here’s Lyra Fleetofut! A very young Warne Rogue that I’m genuinely hoping/planning to play soon. Lyra’s a clever little duck, with an eye for detail and a talent for reading and convincing people.

Lyra is an orphaned street urchin, living as a thief. She’s fleet-o-feet and quick-witted, with a talent for reading people. Having spent most of her life on her own and watching the people around her, Lyra’s gotten very skilled at figuring out which people she can take advantage of, who she could get help from, and who she’s better off avoiding.
Despite the wrongs that she’s seen while growing up, she’s actually a very hopeful, positive person. The various thieves, homeless folk, and kind citizens who’ve helped her throughout her life have given her the firm belief that there’s a grain of good in everyone. Even if it’s really hard to see or find when you first meet them.
The equipment she carries is stuff she’s either filched, dug out of the trash, or been given by various people. Like her backpack, her somewhat frayed ropes, and a few other things. Most of her criminal contacts are people she was told about by people she knows and has met. Thieves have told her about people she can talk to in various cities for a bit of “busy work” for money. Homeless people have told her about places and people that would be willing to give her a free meal if she came asking. And transients/travelers have told her about people or places she can go to for a place to spend the night.
Lyra has a favorite place in her home city to go to for food. There is one specific casino/restaurant that she visits regularly for food. Every Tuesday, they get a fresh shipment and if she drops by that day, the owner will let her take the “expired” food off of their hands. They claim that it’s because it “saves them money on trash pick-up”, but Lyra knows full well that’s not actually it.
Allow Me to Share Some Toons
Just for the fun of it (and because I still love these drawings), I’ve decided to post some of the Toonkind characters I’ve designed. And maybe give a bit of story about them while I’m at it. Not as a single post, mind you, but I wanna talk about my brainchildren for a bit.
For those who don’t know, Toonkind are a Homebrew race for D&D 5E made by a Tumblr User known a Yunisverse, and they are all inspired by various types of animation and its various mediums. The homebrew race has 3 main subraces; Rubberhose (based on the rubbery, black and white toons from early animation), Frankenalie (an homage to the two amazing animators who you should really look up if you can), and the Warne (I would think most people would know what this one references).
But there are 3 other toonkind races! The Hausen (Stopmotion/claymation style), Yupyaen (based on the UPA style), and Muppetborn (I don’t think I need to explain that one to most people). All of them with their own strengths and weaknesses for playing, though there are a few standards for the Race as a whole.
(The homebrew, and all of its subrace options, can be found on D&D Beyond. Although you’d need a subscription to use homebrews that you didn’t make yourself.)
We’ll start with my first (original) character! (Although, I have to admit I haven’t actually played him yet): ADRIAN ENFIELD

Adrian is a wandering scholar, exploring Einquell to learn about the strange times the land has fallen into and trying to truly learn his powers as he goes. He went to a school of magic for a short period of time but found that the way the school structured its academics didn’t jive with him too well.
He’s got a dragonic bloodline and a talent for lightning magic, and an impressive armor class for a magic-user. I really don’t have too much to say about him, because I haven’t really gotten to play him yet.
I should really play him at some point so I can see what he can do sometimes…
Here’s Adrian’s character sheet, for anyone who wants to take a look at it!