I’ve recently redone an old picture of mine and I’m feeling really proud of it, so I’m going to share it with yall!

I used watercolors (some with pretty sparkles mixed in) for the majority of the colors, a tiny dot of shiny silver paint for the eyeshine, and black India Ink for the linework. I’ve very proud of it since I don’t use watercolor pallets very often (I normally use watercolor pencils/crayons).
I’m so proud of it, I made the image available as a product design over on Redbubble! Check it out if you’re interested! And please buy anything you like. XD https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/85153037?asc=u
Also, I’ve only just noticed that I wrote 2022 instead of 2021. asdfghjkl
Whoops XD