Next is another of my toons whom I haven’t had the chance to play yet, here’s Lyra Fleetofut! A very young Warne Rogue that I’m genuinely hoping/planning to play soon. Lyra’s a clever little duck, with an eye for detail and a talent for reading and convincing people.

Lyra is an orphaned street urchin, living as a thief. She’s fleet-o-feet and quick-witted, with a talent for reading people. Having spent most of her life on her own and watching the people around her, Lyra’s gotten very skilled at figuring out which people she can take advantage of, who she could get help from, and who she’s better off avoiding.
Despite the wrongs that she’s seen while growing up, she’s actually a very hopeful, positive person. The various thieves, homeless folk, and kind citizens who’ve helped her throughout her life have given her the firm belief that there’s a grain of good in everyone. Even if it’s really hard to see or find when you first meet them.
The equipment she carries is stuff she’s either filched, dug out of the trash, or been given by various people. Like her backpack, her somewhat frayed ropes, and a few other things. Most of her criminal contacts are people she was told about by people she knows and has met. Thieves have told her about people she can talk to in various cities for a bit of “busy work” for money. Homeless people have told her about places and people that would be willing to give her a free meal if she came asking. And transients/travelers have told her about people or places she can go to for a place to spend the night.
Lyra has a favorite place in her home city to go to for food. There is one specific casino/restaurant that she visits regularly for food. Every Tuesday, they get a fresh shipment and if she drops by that day, the owner will let her take the “expired” food off of their hands. They claim that it’s because it “saves them money on trash pick-up”, but Lyra knows full well that’s not actually it.