I know, I’ve posted about Rhodey before but this is a little different.
See, I designed Rhodey before getting my hands on Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything and learning that Psychic Powers are a thing in Dungeons and Dragons.
And Rhodey is my Boi. My green bean. My beloved brainchild. So of course my brain immediately screamed “Give him the powers. GIVE HIM THE POWERS!” But I couldn’t do that when I already had him in a campaign!
So I basically… made a second version of him that I could give the psychic powers to! I also changed the design between the two so I can tell them apart easier. https://ddb.ac/characters/55943318/ajds4O

I didn’t overhaul his design really, just changed up his hair and clothes a bit. But overall, he’s still the same Rhodey as before! (Although, I did swap around a few stats even if I kept all the numbers the same.)